Abroad 2025

Our dogs are powered by Eukanuba Norge & Multigroomers #Panagenics Team Norway

Gulidford District CS Show

Guildford, England. Judge  xxxx 

Skjaergaardens Dance With Me Tonight - BOB puppy, Best in Group #3

International dogshow

Valladolid, Spain. Judge Manuel Ramirez, BIS puppy Judge: Anna Brankovic.  23.02.2025

Skjærgaardens Dont Take Me 4 a Fool - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Skjærgaardens Sunny Varadero - BOB puppy, Best In Group #2 and then ended as…BIS 3 puppy

National dogshow

Valladolid, Spain. Judge: Zoran Brankovic. 22.02.2025

Skjærgaardens Dont Take Me 4 a Fool - CAC, BOB

International dogshow 

Denmark, Fredericia. Judge: Svein E. Bjørnes. 08.02.2025 

Skjærgaardens Come Dance With Me - HP BOB puppy

Skjærgaardens Shut Up & Dance - 2'nd best puppy female
Skjærgaardens B&B Petite Belle - EXC, CQ, Best female, CACIB, BOB
Skjærgaardens B&B Plumette - EXC

International dogshow

My dog 2 Göteborg, Sweden. Judge:  04.01.2025


Skjærgaardens B&B Lumiére - EXC, CQ, CACIB BOS 

Skjærgaardens Cheeky Dum Dum Diddle - EXC, CQ, 2nd in open class
Skjærgaardens B&B Plumette - EXC, CQ, CERT. Best female in open class and New Swedish Champion
Skjærgaardens B&B Petit Belle - EXC, CQ, 3rd place in champion class

Best Breeder 2 with wonderful critique and HP group of 2 combinations, with extremely strong type, beautiful similarity, excellent bones for the breed, correct sizes and proportions, lovely moving group with breed typical carrige and calm temperament, the expression " copy paste" is strongly in my mind when looking at them, congrats to the clever breeder

National dogshow 

My dog 1, Göteborg, Sweden. Judge: Hedi Kumm. 03.01.2025

Skjærgaardens B&B Lumiére - EXC, CK, 3rd best in champion class

Skjærgaardens Cheeky Dum Dum Diddle - EXC, CQ, CERT Best female in open class and New Swedish Champion
Skjærgaardens B&B Plumette - EXC, CQ, 3rd best open class
Skjærgaardens B&B Petit Belle - EXC, CQ, 3rd best Champion class

Best Breeder with HP Very nice group, with the flow of harmony, very nice same type heads, look beautiful all together