National Exhibitions 2025

Our dogs are powered by Eukanuba Norge & Multigroomers #Panagenics Team Norway

Norwegian Bulldog Club  

Stange, Judge John Jakobsen. 16.02.2025

Skjærgaardens Come Dance With Me - HP, BOB puppy
and later shortlisted out of 11 other puppies and placed as
🌟🌟Best In Group #2 🌟🌟
Skjærgaardens Best Damn Fool - EXC, CQ, Best male, BOS

Skjærgaardens B&B Petite Belle - EXC, CQ, Best female, BOB
and later shortlisted out of 14 other dogs and placed as
🌟🌟Best In Group #4 🌟🌟

Skjærgaardens Best Damn Fool & B&B Petite Belle participated in couple class and among eight couples they got placed as

🌟🌟 Best In Show #3 🌟🌟

Norwegian newfoundlandsclub

Skien. Judge: Maija Heinilä. 19.01.2025

Skjærgaardens Best Damn Fool - EXC, CQ, Best male, BOS
Skjærgaardens Come Dance With Me - HP, Best male, BOS

Skjærgaardens B&B Petite Belle - EXC, CQ, 2 BF
Skjærgaardens B&B Plumette - EXC, CQ, BF, BOB
Skjærgaardens Shut Up & Dance - HP
Skjærgaardens Sunny Elafonissi - HP BOB

Norwegian newfoundlandsclub

Skien.  Judge: Sebastian Harnik. 18.01.2025

Skjærgaardens Come Dance With Me - HP, BM, BOS

Skjærgaardens B&B Petite Belle - EXC, CQ, Best female, BOB
Skjærgaardens B&B Plumette - EXC, CQ, 2'nd best female
Skjærgaardens Shut Up & Dance - HP
Skjærgaardens Sunny Elafonissi - HP BOB